I can sense a fashion vibe in the streets of South Africa, there is something about to happen, It is a movement. It is a revolution and it’s got a name: WOZA.









WOZA, Wear Only ZA is an initiative that was developed by the Cape Town Fashion Council to endorse and represent South African fashion and South African Fashion brands. A campaign designed in hopes that it will encourage consumers to purchase and wear more locally produced and designed clothing, launched during this year’s Cape Town Fashion Week.

Designer: Fastrack

Designer: Fastrack

Bryan Ramkilawam, Ceo of the Cape Town Fashion Council (ctfc):

Local design and manufacture needs a showcase, so that everyone can see how much talent and excitement there is out there in the making of home-grown design that every proud South Africans should want to wear.

One can say that South Africa is getting a little help from an unexpected source. It’s amazing to see that the government is getting more involved in fashion, supporting fashion has been undervalued for decades and this initiative is an acknowledgment of what fashion can do for the national economy. By supporting WOZA you’ll be helping to kindle local demand, demands means supply and supply means opportunity, so you protect the jobs there currently are and create opportunities for new ones. On the other hand you support the creative brain of South Africa by ensuring our own creative impulse grows to complete where it should, on the catwalks of the world. You’ll be embracing choice and diversity.

Designer: Fabiani

Designer: Fabiani

And why shouldn’t we? The previous SA fashion week in Joburg made it very clear that we do have a whole lot to offer to the fashion world with talented designers like Stefania Morland, Habits, Suzaan Heyns, Tiaan Nagel and 46664. Other cooperating designers and brands are Hip Hop, Strato, Maya Prass, Luna, Keedo and Ilan.

Join WOZA here and you will not only show your commitment and support for South African fashion, but you’ll also get access to exclusive content. Keep up to date with latest in SA fashion and get great discounts on top SA designers, store vouchers and exclusive competitions.

WOZA is refashioning an industry. Amen.