As winter kicks in, so does our seventh edition of Selected Creatives Competition; a one small seed network initiative that gives you the power to choose who YOU want to see featured in one small seed magazine. View each of the 10 contenders’ online portfolios for Selected Creatvies 07 and then make your vote! So, what exactly is Selected Creatives? In a nutshell, Selected Creatives is a one small seed network initiative that showcases the work of our top creative members from the one small seed network – as determined by you – in the glossy pages of our magazine. Since the inception of Selected Creatives in 2010 this competition has grown enormously popular among our readers; just one way in which we bridge the gap between online and print. Selected Creatives is the penultimate showcase for members. International Exposure As an international publication, Selected Creatives competition can give you something priceless – exposure. And not just any exposure… Since September 2010, one small seed has been available throughout Southern Africa, Namibia, Swaziland, Lesotho, London, Birmingham, Auckland, New York, Milan, Luxembourg, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Montreal, Taipei, Hong Kong, Cyprus, Germany and Brazil among other places.


Join one small seed network today! To become a member and start uploading your own work – whether it be design, illustration, photograph or editorial – then click HERE. Keep posted to our Twitter @onesmallseedSA or and Facebook Like page, ‘one small seed Magazine & TV’ for one small seed network updates! In the meantime, check out the Featured Photography on image : VOTE and WIN It’s now up to YOU… VOTE in the poll below for who you think should have their work be immortalised in print then VOTE now in our poll below. Follow the steps below to win The Mi-Fone Mi-A150 Android phone. Winner will be announced on Friday 18 May.


  1. Cast your VOTE in the poll below and Like one small seed on Facebook
  2. Tag @one small seed Magazine & TV in your Facebook status with a link it to this post
  3. Tweet this post, making sure you mention @onesmallseedSA and #SelectedCreatives 07.

Now, without further ado – the contenders for Selected Creatives 07 are: Dr Benway, kEda, Stiaan Schoeman, Zeno Petersen, Kyle Correia De Araujo, Fracois van der Elst, Illana Welman, SJ Van Zyl, Stuart Kerr and Johan Wilke. Check out the contenders’ portfolios and then cast your vote in POLL below! Selected Creative 001: Dr Benway