We were grateful for an interview with up-and-coming duo – photographer Daniel David Webber (D) and picture editor Christo Botha (C). Both in love and broke, they’re fueled by a deep passion for fashion and art. These bitches are for realzi.

image: Daniel David & Christo
After studying photography over a period of four years and assisting a variety of photographers, then was no-one as significant as Jurie Potgieter when it came to mentors for Daniel.
He is most inspiring photographer working in South African media today. I started working as a young pro in 2010. I met Christo in 2011 and in November, we started just collaborating naturally. He has taught me the most. He is the single most talented individual I have ever met. (Daniel)
There is a powerful raw sense to their images; this kind of provocative fashion pushes boundaries to the typical sensitive viewer. However, there is a tone of simplicity that I feel through this fetishism that makes their work unique. It’s performative art, that tells a story. Here is the interview.
When and how did you first get into fashion photography ?
We love the opportunity to create with other creative and the freedom of expression, whilst keeping in mind what the client ultimately needs. It’s a delicate balance.
Whats the best thing about your job?
Seeing your own creatively controlled work in print. It’s always a pleasure sharing ones talents with others.
How do you feel behind a camera?
D: In control. That what either myself or Christo imagine in our minds, we can capture as well.
Tell us about Art Much? magazine, your work was on the cover for Issue 1?
D: What an amazing team there. We were so honoured to be featured on their cover and cover story.
It was exciting for us as it was our first cover we have done together.
What have you guys been dreaming about?
D: London. It’s my happy place. No place like it. If you don’t have a good time there, you not living life.
C: Having the freedom to express ones talent and creativity, and to share that Passion with other Creative’s.
What are you working on right now?
D: We working with a men’s fashion label launching soon named Augustine. They have a vision and will be our future trend-makers in South Africa. I have that belief in them as I see their hard work and passion poured into that brand. We collaborating more and more as time passes.
Analogue vs. Digital?
D: I wish both could coexist to be honest. Any photographer worth their salt knows the perfection of film in our craft. It always comes down to money in the end.
What other photographers have influenced your style?
D: Mostly the old favourites. Mario Testino with his fresh and classic feel to his work and Anton Corbijn with his stark visual style.
What is your best and worst things about London?
D: Best- People
Worst- Expensive!
Future project wish-list ?
D: ONE SMALL SEED! (big smily face)
One day…GQ & Marie Claire both in South Africa. Both are class acts.
What kind of future do you predict for creativity and Fashion in South Africa?
D: Bleak if South African creative’s don’t band together and stop being elitist. We need to love each other, collaborate, support each other not stab each other in the back.

image: Daniel David & Christo

image: Daniel & David Christo

image: Daniel & David Christo

image: Daniel & David Christo

image: Daniel & David Christo

image: Daniel & David Christo

image: Daniel & David Christo

image: Daniel & David Christo

image: Daniel & David Christo

image: Daniel & David Christo cover of 'Art What?' issue 1

image: Daniel & David Christo

image: Daniel & David Christo
To view more of their work check out their tumblr here
Connect with them on their www.onesmallseed.net profile here
Interview by David Plenderleith (tweeeet)
Loretta says:
Jul 3, 2012
I have not seen such amazing work in a long time.. how do i get Daniel and Christo’s details please?
Maria says:
Jul 4, 2012
Amazing work from these upcomming artists. Hope to see more of them.
Johan says:
Jul 4, 2012
Bold and captivating work.
Anna Maria Webber says:
Jul 4, 2012
It is fantastic work from upcomming artists. I hope we saw a lot more of them.
Anna Maria Webber says:
Jul 4, 2012
Lovely Work – Hope to see more of them !
Elinor says:
Jul 6, 2012
I am really falling in love with this work… I am totally impressed!
andre says:
Jul 16, 2012
so hot. thanks one small seed!