If you haven’t got your hands on the latest one small seed magazine, Issue 25 – “The Bigger Picture” Issue – to find out who the winners are in the seventh installment of Selected Creatives competition, then simply keep on reading…
The winners for this edition demonstrate just what Selected Creatives is about by producing work that’s brazen in technique, concept and execution. They are SJ van Zyl, Zeno Petersen and Kyle Correia De Aaujo. We are proud to announce that we have also chosen an image from one of our Selected Creatives – SJ Van Zyl – to feature on this issue’s cover. This will be the first time we have selected a direct submission from Selected Creatives to use as our cover and is something we will look to do again. To make sure you stand a chance at being a Selected Creatives, join onesmallseed.net today and upload your top creative work.
Sandton, Johannesburg
I generally focus on colourful conceptual photography, as if looking through a kaleidoscope. Combining 3D/Warped dimensional editing with vintage colouring, I create visually ambiguous photographs that reference both the future and past of creative photography.
SJ van Zyl (30)
Cape Town
Makeup Artist and Photographer

photograph: SJ van Zyl

photograph: SJ van Zyl
I’ve met and worked with some truly inspiring team members, stylists and models here, and they play a very big part in the creation of each image. You see something beautiful every day, just waiting to be photographed and given a twist and turned into pieces of otherworldly art. You are only as good as the team you work with.
Zeno Petersen (33)
Cinematographer and photographer

photograph: Zeno Petersen
I think my style, like all artists, is changing and I hope it will continue to develop and mature. This art is me in every way. I live it and breathe it. My art is an extension of who I am and my voice.
Kyle Araujo says:
Jun 14, 2012
This is very proud moment for me! Thank you so much One Small Seed <3
Kyle Araujo win’s competition at One Small Seed Magazine for Selected Creatives Issue 25 « K-Media says:
Jun 14, 2012
[…] Seed Magazine! – I am over the moon to share this news
I am one of the winners!
onesmallseed.com/2012/06/issue-…- Kyle Araujo Says – […]
K-Media » Archive » Kyle Araujo win’s competition at One Small Seed Magazine for Selected Creatives Issue 25 says:
Jun 14, 2012
[…] Araujo win’s competition at One Small Seed Magazine for Selected Creatives Click here to read the announcement release […]