Meet Richárd. The 16-year-old Hungarian photographer loves fashion photography, is an Apple fan and uses Nikon gear. He also recently photographed the stunning Renata Ladics. Richárd caught our attention, so we caught up with him for a chat…
So how did you find your way into photography?
I’ve started taking photos when I was 12 years old. I got a point-and-shoot camera for Christmas, and that’s it. There was no stopping since that time, but I started taking photos of models only 1,5 years ago.
Describe your work in three words.
Determined, purposeful, energetic.
Wishlist travel destinations?
New York City, Rio De Janeiro, Tokyo.
What’s high school like?
I attend a local high school in Dunaujvaros. I am specialized in maths and physics.
What do you plan on doing after?
After the final exam I will go on to higher education. I want to become an architect since I was 6 years old. But I wouldn’t stop fashion photography.
Can you tell me what interests you in architecture?
My favourite part of architecture is the abilty to make connection between nature and buildings. This is a current and inexhaustible topic.
Any role model photographers?
I really like Mario Sorrenti’s, Steven Meisel’s and Mert & Marcus’ works, but there are several photographers who I love.
What music do you listen to while shooting?
It totally depends on the concept of the shoot.
What camera are you using at the moment?
I am using a Nikon D300, but at the same time I don’t hate Canon users.
What kind of magazines do you read?
I read lots of fashion magazines, e.g. LOVE, the Room, V Magazine, Numéro, French Vogue and GQ.
Interview by: David Plenderleith
chrisbo says:
Aug 13, 2012
17-year-old, wow! he’s facing a big career!
Interjú velem « Kovács Richárd fotóblogja says:
Aug 15, 2012
[…] Nemrég kaptam egy emailt, egy dél-afrikai print magazin blogjának szerkesztőjétől, miszerint felkeltettem a munkáimmal és korommal az érdeklődését, és szeretne készíteni velem egy mini-interjút. Miért is ne! Nagyon örültem ennek a levélnek, elképesztő, hogy milyen távolságokat tud áthidalni az internet. A bejegyzés publikálása után pár órával már kaptam is Facebookon egy jelölést és üzenetet egy dél-afrikai sminkestől, aki szintén gratulált a fotóimhoz. Ez után pedig egy dél-afrikai rádió producerjétől jött a levél, hogy szeretne velem egy telefonos interjút! ÁÁÁÁÁ, annyira örülük ezeknek. Az interjút ide kattintva olvashatjátok el. […]
maddy says:
Aug 21, 2012
nice photographs, nice talent