Nothing ever becomes real ’til it is experienced.
― John Keats
The submission time for the 2013 Absa L’Atelier art competition being between 4 – 8 March 2013, means it’s fast approaching and artists should be planning to complete their work by the beginning of March. Being one of the oldest and most acclaimed art efforts in South Africa, it’s a can’t-miss for aspiring creatives who want their foot firmly in the door of the art world.
Being the custodian of the largest South African corporate art collection, Absa aka ‘the bank inside an art gallery’ believes in supporting the arts to contribute to the creative and intellectual prosperity of South Africa as a whole. Therefore they have run the annual Absa L’Aterlier competition in partnership with SANAVA (South African National Association for the Visual Arts) for 28 years. It’s considered the country’s most prestigious art competition and has launched the careers of many South African artists, including Penny Siopis, Karel Nel, Dianne Victor and Colbert Mashile. This year, the first prize is a coveted residency at the Cité Internationale des Arts in the heart of Paris, where the lucky winner will be able to develop their talent surrounded by leading artists from across the world. Read on to find out more…
The Competition
If you’re age 21 to 35 and a permanent resident of South Africa, you can submit up to three artworks that you completed in the 24 months prior to the closing date of 8 March 2013. As long as it’s not performance art, any medium is accepted, but you need to make sure it’s an original and that it’s not larger than 2m x 2m x 2m so that it can be easily packed. If you get stuck, need some guidelines or inspiration refer to the Absa l’Atelier website.
The Prizes
First Prize: Six Months in Paris
The creator of the most promising submission will receive R 125 000 residency for three to six months at the Cité Internationale des Arts among the inspirational bustle of Paris’ city streets. After soaking up as much European creativity as possible, you’ll be asked to showcase what you learnt, back home at a solo exhibition in the Absa Gallery within a year of your return.
First Merit Award: Two Months in Sylt (Germany)
The prize consists of a two month residency at the Sylt Foundation on the dreamy island. Intended as a place of beginnings, the foundation is suitably located on the site of a natural water reservoir and bottling plant called the Sylt-Quelle – ‘Quelle’ being German for ‘source’. It includes return flights as well as R5000 per month stipend and R2000 for trips to museums and travel costs in Hamburg. You’ll also be asked to showcase your creative gatherings at a solo exhibition in the Absa Gallery within a year of your return.
Second Merit Award: One Month in New York City
The second merit award encompasses a one-month stay in one of the most exciting purveyors of metropolitan life: the fast and colossal New York City. If you win, you’ll receive $35 per day stipend and R2000, return flights and you’ll be a Fellow of the Ampersand Foundation, which grants access to the American Association of Museums (AAM) card that allows free entry to most museums in NYC. You’ll also be asked to showcase the output of your new inspirations at a solo exhibition in the Absa Gallery within one year of your return.
Gerard Sekoto Award: Three Months in Paris
A fourth prize is sponsored by the Alliance Française, the French Institute and the French Embassy. If you’re a promising artist with an income of less than R60 000 per annum, you’ll stand the chance of winning the Gerard Sekoto Award consisting of a return air ticket to Paris, a three month stay in the Cité Internationale des Arts, nationwide touring exhibitions, training in French and a commission for a poster for the exhibition – total value +- R80 000.
2012’s Top Ten Entries
- Elrie Joubert
- Bambo Sibiya
- Mandy Johnston
- Nina Liebenberg
- Janice Heidi Mielke
- Mbavhalelo Nekhavhambe
- Josiah Mahlomola Nkosi
- Bamanye Nqxale
- Karin Suzanne Smith
- Andrew Duncan Sprawson
Although you might have witnessed the likes of Paris, Sylt and New York in books, films and fine art, the experience of actually being in a place and living its vivacity is something that cannot be replaced by any art form existent on this earth – no matter how skilled its creator may be. This may be your chance to breath the air, smell the scent and reuse the vibrant energy of the ‘real thing’. Here’s a video of an experiment in which Absa hypnotized young artists and told them they were in Paris, New York and the island of Sylt. They realized, however, that even mental manipulation is nothing like the real thing…
Images by
jared says:
Mar 7, 2013
This is exactly what I want happening for art!
Daniel says:
Mar 7, 2013
WOW this is so amazing, I hope all the artist enter cause this one great opportunity.
Well done ABSA!!!