Prepare for an exhilarating day of rich vibrant energy and mischievous behaviour as the Joburg WE ARE ONE Colour Festival is just around the corner! Want to be a part of this epic journey of colour, music and dancing? Well, now you can! Read on to see how you can win a double ticket for this sold-out festival!
The original Holi Festival in India is a huge fun-filled celebration of music and dancing, uniquely characterized by throwing special coloured powder into the air (and at each other) to express freedom and the colour of everyday life. The festival concept has quickly gained popularity worldwide with colour festivals springing up in Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Hannover, the USA and Singapore. Now it’s South Africa’s turn to launch its own version of the festival. The colour festivals are all about bringing people together and celebrating the fun and colour of everyday life. To support and reinforce this ethos more strongly we have rebranded to WE ARE ONE Colour Festival and in making sure there is no ambiguity between the SA event and the Hindu festival that it’s based on, the world ‘Holi’ has been removed from the title.
With the Cape Town event on 2 March being a huge success, you can expect nothing less than spectacular for the Joburg festival on the 6 April. Here is some need-to-know info on the line-up and venue…
Kid Fonque
Richard the Third
Sadhu Sensi
DJ Danger Ingozi
Location: Emmarentia Dam
Date: Saturday, 6 April
You must be over 18 to enter this competition.
We are giving away one set of double tickets (excluding colour but you can buy colour at the event) to the Joburg WE ARE ONE Colour Festival. To win, simply follow these three steps:
The winner will be announced Tuesday 2 April at 12h00!
images: Facebook, Damien Schumann, Stu Shapiro Photography
Lesedi says:
Mar 26, 2013
If I were to have a Holi paint war, it would be with Dumile Feni. Or Zapiro. Besides being able to meet some of my artistic heroes, I think forcing both/either of them to communicate (or fight rather) in colour rather than their preferred pens would create literal magic. And then I could say that I was a part of their artistic process.
tamara arden says:
Mar 26, 2013
I would choose a Nordic Ice god and throw colours of culture and history of all over his figure until he melted into something that looks like a sentimental piece of spilled ice cream that I can lick up and then own his godly powers. ahem. Yes!
Dominique says:
Mar 26, 2013
Marilyn Monroe without a doubt, In her iconic white dress. I think she’d look awesome in technicolor.
Kris says:
Mar 26, 2013
Prince Harry.. My ginger look-alike twin.. #partywitharoyal
Erik Terblanche says:
Mar 26, 2013
Jimi Hendrix- scene he would be comfortable with, and just the kind of atmosphere i would like to party with him in…
Moroesi says:
Mar 26, 2013
I would like to have one paint war with Former President Nelson Mandela because he is a free spirited being, and that is evident through his interaction with children. I would like to see him in that more relaxed state where he just has fun and frees his spirit. He has done so much for our country, that it would be nice to do something fun for him and with him. (though i would commend we have the paint war when he was a few years younger
Shannon King says:
Mar 26, 2013
If i were to have a holi paint war with Operah Winfrey I could honestly say my life would be fulfilled! It would be great to see the woman renowned for her generosity and willingness to help others have a little bit of fun!
Nicole says:
Mar 26, 2013
Definitely Jesus, because he seems like a pretty sweet guy to party with and his robes would look bad ass all technicolor but mostly because we would never run out of free wine.
Poroma Mohale says:
Mar 27, 2013
Hunter S. Thompson, the author of Rum Diary and Fear and loathing in Las Vegas. I just imagine he would get really into it and eventually turn it into a real physical war which would be part of the fun given i could run faster than him. When the paint finished we could talk about The Fear, what the hell a Greedhead is and his suicide over some chilled rum.
Zozette says:
Mar 27, 2013
I think Jackson Pollock would absolutely kick ass at a colour fight. – But if he isn’t available, I’d definitely choose my bff – who wasn’t able to get a ticket in time. *fingers crossed*
Already liked the crap out of you on fb – now I’m also following you on twitter – @zozette
Nicole Velleman says:
Mar 27, 2013
Angus Stone. Hands down!
tazmin says:
Mar 27, 2013
Epic colour war with picasso! Imagine <3
Alexandra says:
Mar 27, 2013
I would have a paint war with Nicki Minaj!
With her crazy hair colours and bright lipstick you can tell that she loves colour and this would be the festival for her!
A We Are One paint war would also look insane in a music video!!!
Tamsin Walker says:
Mar 27, 2013
It would have to be Freddie Mercury – hands down! Can you imagine belting out Don’t Stop Me Now with that legendary man whilst throwing every colour in the rainbow into the sky?! Epic would not be the word!! That would be a colour war for the history books!
Lisa Kahimbaara says:
Mar 27, 2013
Tommy Lee Jones. I’ve seen him ‘smile’ once. Even then it was more of a grimace. A burst of colour is bound to make him smile!
Chido Chivaura says:
Mar 27, 2013
Salvador Dali…that man was a freaking genius. What abstract masterpiece would he be able to make after such an event?! Absolute brilliance
Emily says:
Mar 28, 2013
I would have a paint war with Kristen Stewrart just so I can brighten her up!!!!!
Jamie says:
Mar 28, 2013
Most definitely David Grohl, as he parties hard and would die to meet him. We would have the most epic time and giving a stuff what people would be thinking if we acted like idiots with the powder! WOW…now I wish David Grohl would be there!!!
Claudio Cecchi says:
Mar 28, 2013
Gandhi!! That’s who I would love to have a paint war with. For a little war and peace and to learn from the great man himself. Most likely wouldn’t even need the colour to have a brighten up the meeting
LEE says:
Mar 28, 2013
I would absolutely love to have a paint war with the wicked, weird but wonderful conceptual artist, Marina Abramovic. She turn the whole experience into a symbolic conceptual piece which would just bring tears to my eyes, as do all of her other works.
Gareth says:
Mar 29, 2013
I would have a paint war with Charlie Chaplin. Because I’ve only seen him in black and white.
layla says:
Mar 30, 2013
I’d love to have a paint war with my sister!! Its her bday so those double tickets could do a trick to brighten her day!! Not forgetting the unforgettable experience with the awesome crowd!! Gona be one for the books
Domenico Griessel says:
Apr 1, 2013
I would have a paint war with Giuseppe Russo for bringing us this great great publication that brightens up many people’s days!!
Dewald says:
Apr 2, 2013
I really want to go with my best friend Ferdi and I couldnt get Media accreditation to take pictures so I’ve been crying in my pillow every night! Please please please give me some tickets
Sharne Jacobs says:
Apr 2, 2013
I would have a paint war with Lady Gaga!!! She is has the most outrageous dress styles and personality so she would be the perfect person to have a paint war with!
Henry says:
Apr 2, 2013
The Queen of England. I bet that she will let loose and have a party in style and grace – cause she is a lady!!
Zapriana says:
Apr 2, 2013
It’d have to choose Slash- he looks like he can party, not to mention how much paint he’d be able to store in his hat xD
Nita says:
Apr 2, 2013 I’d have a paint war with the crazy and fun Lady Gaga
christine hogg says:
Apr 2, 2013
Competition closed! The lucky winner is Chido Chivaura. Please message us your details asap. Congratulations!
Chido Chivaura says:
Apr 2, 2013
Aw this amazing
I’m so excited…
H Christine I already sent a dm on twitter with my details and I was just wondering if I still have to message someone else if so who do I message?