Here is the brand new video for a single from Gazelle that could easily find its way onto your next playlist.
Shot in New York but bringing together three different musicians of African descent the unique beat and lyrics here are addictive. Gazelle, a South African musician and electropop producer, Jogyo who is a Dither Down mainstay and the vocalist Devi Mambouka joined forces on this track ‘R.U.N’ which Jogyo said is an acronym for ‘Remember Union Now’. The individual style of each artists shines through but also works seamlessly with the others. Get ready for an exciting trip.
Gazelle – R.U.N (Featuring Jogyo & Devi Mambouka) by dm_517554946c655
Images and video: Press Junkie PR, Okay Africa.
Words: Emma Remington
1 comment
fuck you says:
Apr 27, 2013
this shit is bullshit. fuck jogyo. fake ass buddha shit. needs to check his ass