Fresh from premiering the film at the Tribeca Film Festival, James Franco has released the trailer for his documentary The Director. The film’s title is a reference to Frida Giannini, the creative director behind design powerhouse Gucci. The style sovereign has been renowned for its close-kept privacy, but Franco has collaborated with Giannini to produce a riveting inside look into the headquarters of one of fashion’s elites. Check out the trailer and let us know what you think! (Length 02:12)

Franco directs the film, framing an intimate portrait of Giannini as she directs catwalks, casts models, and decides on Gucci’s next big trend. The trailer catches Giannini in candid moments where she discusses her early expectations to marry, have children, and lead a quiet life. The development of Gucci and its astronomical rise led to a lifestyle Giannini had never anticipated. Franco and Giannini previously teamed up when the actor-director became the face of Gucci’s 2011 campaign, and the film looks to be the beginnings of yet another successful endeavour. Speaking on the documentary experience, Giannini said:

I was a little intimidated at the outset. It is difficult coming to terms with multiple cameras following you everywhere and being wired for sound. However, having known James for a number of years now, there is a good chemistry between us and I also have great respect for him and his multi-faceted talents

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Words: Ra’eesa Pather