Directed by acclaimed artist and designer Aitor Throup, the video to Kasabian‘s first single ‘Eez-eh’ off their upcoming fifth studio album is as fun as the bounce-inspiring tune. Throup’s highly conceptual approach — lots of pink and references to the running time of the song — apparently reflects the direct nature of the music. The cool cheerfulness the video exudes for sure incites anticipation for 48:13, which is — according to the band — their most straightforward and unconcealed release yet. “Less is more, you know? It’s direct. It is what it is. Just listen to it. We’ve had the confidence to lay ourselves bare. Serg has stripped it right back. It’s unbelievable,” says frontman Tom Meighan.


Kasabian 'Eez-eh'

Kasabian 'Eez-eh'

Kasabian 'Eez-eh'