The World According to Doug Aitken
Since his first exhibit in 1991 Doug Aitken, the conceptual artist from Los Angeles, has challenged conventional notions of what art can be. He is known for his innovative use of various mediums in order to create work that discusses how human memories and time fuse together with the world around us.

Max Papeschi: Butchering Innocence
Max Papeschi may have begun his career as an author and director in film, television, and theatre, but the avante garde daredevil has twisted his skills into something a little more wicked. The satirical artist is known for his nightmarish re-intereterpretations of children’s fictional favourites. His visions see Mickey Mouse as a naked prostituting Nazi,...

At the end of each week, we add four more images from onesmallseed.net to the relevant month’s gallery collection on onesmallseed.com. All images are the featured works of members of one small seed network, our creative online community. To have your work featured here, simply sign up as a member and start uploading! Enjoy our March selection! Week 04...

Pritzker Conceptual, Toyo Ito
Seeking to concurrently direct the physical and virtual worlds within his work, Toyo Ito has always been at the forefront of architectural development. Just awarded the Pritzker Award, Ito once again assures and restores the urge to push the bridges of architecture. The Seoul-born mastermind relocated with his family to Tokyo at age two, and...

#FYI / Art / Categories / Culture & Lifestyle / Design / Editor's Pick / Fashion / Regulars / Technology and Design
#FYI: Talking shoes and other cool shit…
At one small seed we believe in the power of unique ideas and novel concepts. Ranging from technology, design, art and music, we’ve compiled a collection of crazy, fascinating, funny and bizarre findings that we think would be of interest to you. Here are some of our favourite finds this past week… Stay tuned for...

Marc Maingard – Making Trees Sing Again
A brief look into the life and profession of one of the top five luthiers in the world. Marc Maingard, a born and bred South African, shares some of his secrets and philosophies that have helped him become one of the most talented artists in his trade. With over 40 years of experience as both...

ABSA Launches “The Democratic Republic of Design”
The Design Indaba Conference in Cape Town, featuring speakers such as Asif Khan, Sir John Hegarty and Spoek Mathambo, runs from the 27 February to 1 March 2013 and, as an attendee, you can win prizes with Absa and their innovative app. Read on to find out more. Design’s role and impact on the functioning...

Nothing ever becomes real ’til it is experienced. ― John Keats The submission time for the 2013 Absa L’Atelier art competition being between 4 – 8 March 2013, means it’s fast approaching and artists should be planning to complete their work by the beginning of March. Being one of the oldest and most acclaimed art...

André S Clements’ work can be described as a realist adaptation and exploration of human aesthetics through technology, which renders him a fine artist as well as craftsman. Known for his recursive medium of layered photographs, he recently launched his first solo exhibition ‘Æsthesia’ at The Res Gallery. The sophisticated debut – most notably including...