#tbt 2008/2009 | FlashBack to Issue #13 for “Happy Hour”
#tbt- 2008/2009, one small seed magazine, Issue 13. It’s always Happy Hour somewhere!

#tbt 2009 one small seed magazine, Issue 14 | “Withdrawal & Emergence” – The Photography Of Cara Gillougley
Having attended my fair share of student photography exhibitions, I can note with some degree of certainty that work on the level of technical and thematic maturity evidenced in Cara Gillougley’s Withdrawal & Emergence is rare. This exquisite collection of nudes suspended in paradoxical states of bondage and freedom is playful and somber in equal...

#FlashBack | Fostering Positivity | Issue09
Travelling around North America, the Caribbean and Europe, Jamel Shabazz has spent his life documenting special moments in history. His goal: to inspire people to make the necessary changes to develop a positive culture. Nick Hanekom met the man to discuss three decades behind the lens.

#TBT | The Plasticity of Pretty
The surreal characters that inhabit Brian Walker’s creations would be right at home in a dark fantasy-comedy film, like Death Becomes Her meets The Addams Family, but with a better makeover. Looking to peel away the façade, Sarah Jayne Fell hunts down the Australian digital artist to uncover whether there are any meaty hidden layers...

FlashBack | Tretchikoff King of Kilsch | Issue 15
Art, like fashion, is subject to cycles it seems. One of the names that is currently being rejuvenated, refreshed and revitalised to audiences across the world – most of whom would not have been alive in his era – is Vladimir Tretchikoff. Tretchikoff was born in 1913 in Russia and lived a remarkable life, full...

FlashBack | MGMT Fate to Pretend | Issue 14
In 2008, New Yorkers Andrew VanWyngarden and Ben Goldwasser unhinged the mystical Door to Kukundu. Dressed in matching technicolour dreamcoats, the pair better known as MGMT ushered in a wave of new sound that could be heard everywhere from Cape Town to Japan. “How are you guys going to party now that you’ve got this...

#FlashBack | October Week 04
From the weird to the wonderful, the festive and the dark, from music to art, to fashion, architecture, people and beyond, South African popular culture has flourished in leaps and bounds. Now with an online database of back issues available to read for free at Issuu.com, one small seed has been at the forefront of...

FlashBack | Pieter Hugo Nollywood and the Death of Photography | Issue14
Pieter Hugo is quickly gaining notoriety as Africa’s premier photographer for his reinvention of the representation of Africa to the West. Frequently quoted for declaring the death of photography, Hugo is indicative of a generation whose sensibility is fine-tuned to the delicate role of the photographer, realising that to photograph is by no means to...

FlashBack | Asha Zero, Meaning in Pieces | Issue15
Asha Zero is an artistic avatar crafted beyond the confines of gender, age and race so that the artworks can speak for themselves uninhibited. Executed in acrylics, careful brushstrokes imitate the ripped edges of a page while flicks of paint carve the tears. It would be easy to mistake these paintings for carefully constructed collages....

FlashBack | The Digital Dreams of Rudi Silbermann | Issue16
Recently, a startling collection of work was uploaded to one small seed’s community network site. We, in the one small seed office, were stunned by the portfolio’s technical wizardry and its delicate, otherworldly compositions. Jessica Manim investigated the digital dreams and found Rudi Silbermann, a thoroughbred South African talent. Magical and breathtaking, Rudi’s talent is...

#FlashBack | Paranormal Parables | Issue07
At 23 years of age, Louis Minnaar is creating artworks that read as parables of a young man’s spiritual journey. It’s his creation of a paranormal world populated by erring human specimens, arachnid flowers, flocks of wide-eyed birds and a lonely, disjointed horse. Jenna Mervis thought she’d take a closer look… The world according to...

#FlashBack | Daring the Shoot | Issue16
PHOTOGRAPHY: Lillith Leda | www.lillithleda.com STYLIST: Lillith Leda & Kat Trim HAIR & MAKE-UP: Lillith Leda MODEL: Kat Trim Read the rest of issue 16: Open publication – Free publishing – More architecture Click here to view our #FlashBack selection for September.