Categories / Culture & Lifestyle / Editor's Pick / Events / Fashion / News / one small seed / Photography
This is a call-out for all photographers and anyone who loves aesthetically pleasing images! We Love Sexy is a social activation through the power of photography that draws on photographs to capture the raw essence of what it means to be sexy.

Art / Categories / Culture & Lifestyle / Editor's Pick / Events / Fashion / News / onesmallseedTV / Photography
Adidas calling South Africans to #represent!
Launched on September 3rd 2012, adidas has created a campaign – All Originals #Represent – calling on South Africans to represent the brand with originality, creativity and passion through loading videos, images, audio and mantras as a crew (two or more people) to its campaign website. Uploading must be completed by 7 October 2012. (video)...

Architecture / Art / Book Reviews / Categories / Culture & Lifestyle / Current Edition / Design / Editor's Pick / Fashion / Film Reviews / Gallery / Interviews / Music / Music Reviews / News / one small seed / Opinion / Photography / Reviews
Issue 24 Preview: Listen to my Colour and Look at my Sound
Issue 24 of one small seed asks you to ‘Listen to my Colour and Look at my Sound’. Music, motion, words and colour – looking beyond the obvious, our latest issue brings a union of the senses. To follow is an all-inclusive preview of the new issue: a full breakdown of content that resonates with...

Amy – A Losing Game
Controversial as she may have been, the world mourns Amy Winehouse who passed away at the ominous age of 27.

Art / Categories / Editor's Pick / Events / Local Faves / News / one small seed / onesmallseedTV / Photography / Reviews / Tech/Design
Boom+27 – Episode 01
Boom+27 is a bi-weekly online news portal showcasing a recap of all the latest events going on in and around Cape Town, Johannesburg and other South African cities. Featuring festivals, parties, award ceremonies, live gigs, exhibitions and more, one small seed will be there to keep you up-to-date on all things relevant in the...

Picture This iPhone/iPad App
one small seed is proud to announce the launch of the application for Picture This, our photography publication, for iPad and iPhone. Picture This has 12 digital magazine editions to date, each comprising over 100 pages of breathtaking photography created by one small seed network members. Picture This published its first print edition in late...