Lindiwe Suttle’s Kamikaze Art Takes Off in Germany
South African singer-songwriter Lindiwe Suttle has released her debut Kamikaze Art on 4 April 2014, and has received quite a bit of German press around her new relationship with German rock/pop star Marius Mueller-Westernhagen. Do you need a celebrity at your side to make it big? It probably helps, but Kamikaze Art nonetheless contains songs...

Interview | Yuriy Gurzhy | Russian Disco in Berlin
About three years after immigrating to Berlin, Germany, from Russia and the Ukraine respectively, Wladimir Kaminer and Yuriy Gurzhy started the legendary eastern-disco club night ‘Russendisko’ (Russian disco) in 1999 — first at Café Zapata and then at cultbar Kaffee Burger — by putting light on music that was previously eclipsed by the Iron Curtain....

#Bottomrightcorner | The Berlin Edition
Every week we compile a selection of music to sing you into the weekend and list them in a post called #bottomrightcorner. Sometimes new tunes, sometimes themed tunes and sometimes we ask a music aficionado to choose the tunes for us. This week we dedicate our selection to one of the most sought-after cities for...

Red Bull – Maximum Signal Control
In much the same way Da Vinci’s inventions were ahead of their time, Red Bull is creating a sound system so advanced it makes current sound rigs look like tapedecks. The Red Bull Music Academy World Tour kicks off in Cape Town with a three day event that we don’t want you to miss. Read on...