Posts tagged "flying lotus"

| INTERVIEW | David Lewandowski: The Director’s Notes

The recently released video to Flying Lotus’ Tiny Tortures shows actor Elijah Wood dealing with the plight of a missing arm — it combines technical and emotional insight with creativity and has been praised as well as rejected by amputees’ commenting on YouTube. The mastermind behind the project and friend of Steven Ellison (aka Flying Lotus)...

#FEED: Exploring the Physical World Through Online Instruments

Curated by Justin Bolognino and his dynamic online endeavours Learned Evolution and The Meta Agency, #FEED is a concept powered by Twitter that uses the digital environment to celebrate the physical world. It worked as both an event and a tool that narrated the 5-day story of the SXSW 2013 festival. As an event, #FEED...

#bottomrightcorner – september week 02

Alright, alright! For this week’s #bottomrightcorner, we are going digital… As many synths, Charlie Brown teacher wubs and echoes as we can stand, we’d like to throw in a little wonk, a little glitch and a little dub just to keep things fresh… With new releases from the likes of our very on Spoek Mathambo,...