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Rising Up to sit down for a Q&A with OBEY
While a growing number of individuals – laughing, jamming, conversing and feeling the funk on the streets of Braamfontein, Jozi – gazed up at Shepard Fairey’s forming mural of Mandela, one small seed was gearing up for up our talk with the American contemporary street artist/illustrator/activist. Watch our video interview with the face and force...

Hennessy pours Fairey a collaboration invitation. one small seed magazine / Issue 27 / Digital 02: “Big Brands and Famous Artists” Issue, in partnership with PUMA

Categories / Editor's Pick / Elektronik Dialoque - brought to you by Olmeca tequila / Interviews / Music / onesmallseedTV
| Interview | Spaza$hop!
Everything you like and need in one place: The Spaza$hop! Comprised of Charlie Macc and Jonny Joburg these heads are more than willing to wake you up to their fire via the use of shock therapy. This JHB-based duo that mixes electro, kwaito and hip-hop, have a few songs to wake you up plus, an...