Posts tagged "Oppikoppi Music Festival"

#bottomrightcorner – September week 01

Just when we thought we’d all perish, Spring is finally here! This week’s #bottomrightcorner is a bipolar mad scientists’ wet dream, with a little summ’n summ’n for everyone, just in case you missed them. Featuring the local and the international, the commercial and the underground, from hip hop to wonk to jazz and beyond… With...
Oppikoppi Arranged Neatly - Survival Guide

Oppikoppi Arranged Neatly – Survival Guide

Preparation is key in getting to a point where you can raise anarchy effectively. So we took lists to Oppikoppi and found out what goes into raising hell. Here are some of our favorites and their own survival kits for the legendary Oppikoppi Music Festival.