FlashBack | Pieter Hugo Nollywood and the Death of Photography | Issue14
Pieter Hugo is quickly gaining notoriety as Africa’s premier photographer for his reinvention of the representation of Africa to the West. Frequently quoted for declaring the death of photography, Hugo is indicative of a generation whose sensibility is fine-tuned to the delicate role of the photographer, realising that to photograph is by no means to...

Kirsty Mitchell’s “Wonderland”
In 2009 photographer Kirsty Mitchell created her Wonderland series in memory of her mother, who had passed away from a brain tumour the year before. The three-year-long series became a way for Mitchell to heal from her loss; she combined her own work with the memories of fairytales that her English-teacher mother read to her...

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WATCH: one small seed magazine’s issue 25 preview
one small seed magazine issue 25 – “The Bigger Picture” – out now! Check out our content preview and keep posted to onesmallseed.com for full interviews, videos and much more coming this week… Length 02:18 one small seed’s 25th issue Content Preview from one small seed on Vimeo.

Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre: “The Ruins of Detroit”
The Ruins of Detroit is a five-year collaboration between French photographers Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre. Together they have documented Detroit’s abandoned buildings, bringing to light the current state of ‘Motor City’ through a cinematic series of starkly beautiful photographs.

Akif Hakan Celebi: Living Anime
Digital photography has allowed us all to become self-proclaimed photographers. Except, the majority of our images never seem to have that lingering presence that makes an image memorable.

one small seed network member Janine Kuschke Van Der Tuin, a photographer from Cape town created an astonishing series of images titled Flesh & Soul, where nudity, movement and lightning are central themes. Janine was also one of the winners in the last Selective Creatives competition in issue 23 – “Cult of Self” - along...