Images of the Week features two astounding visual delights every week from one small seed network.
At the end of each week, we add two more images to that month’s gallery collection and feature the images in our weekly newsletter, sent straight to your inbox (which you can sign up to on our home page). All images are the featured works of members of one small seed network, our creative online community. To have your work featured in this series, simply sign up as a member and start uploading now!
We hope you enjoy our collection for the month of September 2011.
Week 04

I am what I art Domenica Wannenburg

The original Bungee cord Pierre Prins
Week 03
Week 02
Week 01
killean Danes says:
Sep 19, 2011
really fantastic. i like
Shaun Engler says:
Sep 29, 2011
Wow, think it works at a great thin like this, one needs some inspiration at times like this.
Cape Town
shaun engler says:
Sep 30, 2011
nice and clean fun