Here’s one awesome FYI for you to swallow:el Jimador 100% Agave Tequila makes surfboards out of the Tequila Plant! That’s correct! Better yet, five beautiful 100% agave surfboards were crafted and we have one to give away! Read on to see how to enter, and who knows — it might be you surfing on tequila this summer.


In Mexico the plant that tequila is made of is known as agave tequila and here in South Africa scientists would refer to it as agave sisalana. The plant, which grows wild pretty much everywhere in the world, is not only responsible for our best party moments, but has a second purpose: you can make surfboards out of its harvest! You can find out more about how the boards are made in the videos below, but for now — let’s get to the competition!


The Brief

Want to surf tequila? Now’s your chance! el Jimador has a beautiful hand-crafted 100% agave board that could have your name on it. Simply email us ( with photos of subjects, movements, moments, materials or people that capture the essence of keeping it real – 100%! This could be 100% original to 100% street. 100% amazing or 100% different. Always use the hash tag #hundredpercent

Deadline has been extended and entries now close on 15 October 2014, with the winner being announced in Cult of Self Magazine Issue 05. Terms and conditions apply. Make sure you read them here before you enter.


Share and submit images via:

Email –
Become a member & upload your image/s to one small seed Network and make sure that you hashtag #hundredpercent
Twitter – @cultofselfmag, make sure that you use the hashtag #hundredpercent
Facebook – submit your photo to the Cult of Self Facebook page and use the hashtag #hundredpercent

*Please make sure to include your name in the image title, so it’s easy for us to see who submitted what!
