Posts tagged "Grace Jones"

The Realest Rainbow Nation of them All

Here’s a thought: take any field — be it history, art, literature, sport, music, architecture, fashion, or film — and we practically guarantee that you will find an LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) individual in at least one of the categories who has had an impact on your everyday life in some way or another....
‘Faux Fabric(n)ation’ - fashion shoot

‘Faux Fabric(n)ation’ – fashion shoot

‘Faux Fabric(n)ation’ is an exploration of original and iconic fashion styles seen through modern eyes to create the main fashion feature for the latest edition of one small seed, the ‘Original Fake’ issue. Combining elements of The Clash, Edie Sedgwick, The Sex Pistols, Grace Jones and Blondie, our fashion team delved into some of the...