Cult of Self Magazine: Inked Cover Contest
Is your ink cover material? Cult of Self – an initiative between one small seed and Levi’s® – is searching for a standout person that leaves an impression on others. Issue 05 of Cult of Self Magazine gives you all you need to know to win…

Cult of Self Magazine – Issue 02
After receiving great feedback for our first issue, we’re proud to give you Issue 02 of Cult of Self Magazine. From café racers and customized bikes to tattoos and skateboarding, the content reflects our aim: to represent, nurture and inspire subcultures that celebrate self-awareness through visual style. Just some of the highlights in this issue...

Viviane Sassen | In And Out Of Fashion
Lauded for her imaginative images, Viviane Sassen is redefining contemporary photography with her fusion of fine art, fashion and photography. Sassen’s rise to fame is largely attributed to her inventive photo-series of Africa for which she won the Prix de Rome in 2007. The success behind her work lies in her creative ability to alter...

To celebrate 140 years of an American icon, eight SA creatives have taken the Levi’s® 501® out on the town and documented their ventures through photographs showcased on onesmallseed.com as part of a global campaign called ‘What’s Your Interpretation?’ It is now up to you to vote for who you think interpreted the iconic pair...

Levi’s® – “Commuter” Series
Fashion Stalwarts, Levi’s ® have created a line entirely, well, out of line . The new range will cater more to the urban commuter than to the likes of the catwalk-enthusiasts. Commuter by Levi’s ® should be arriving in store nationwide this week and looks to be another stonewashed hit . The Levi’s® brand is proud to introduce...