A Pole, Sneakers, Fit Girls, And Crazy Poses.
Kate Davies’ photo shoot titled Double Trouble is one smokey affair as two super fit models – Chanda Ramires Ponce and Leda Wright – pull off some insane poses in killer kicks. Shot at Pole Dance in Cape Town, the photos are fun, fiery, and featured here for the world to see!

Surreal Photography: The Power of Perception
Taiwanese photographer Yung Cheng Lin is a voyeur of all that surrounds him, looking at the familiar – the ‘ordinary’ – he is able to see ‘what can be’. Witty and suggestive, Lin’s highly engaging surreal images are the product of his vivid imagination, photographic technical know-how, and his raw understanding about the power of...

Categories / Culture & Lifestyle / Editor's Pick / Events / Fashion / News / one small seed / Photography
This is a call-out for all photographers and anyone who loves aesthetically pleasing images! We Love Sexy is a social activation through the power of photography that draws on photographs to capture the raw essence of what it means to be sexy.