On Thursday 14 August, adidas Originals showcased key looks from their upcoming Spring Summer ’13 range at an exclusive, VIP fashion show hosted at AREA3. The project that led to the exhibition was developed to create an honest, bottom-up story that would resonate with the people who love the adidas brand.
The theme, ‘All Originals’, reflects the very nature of the Originals brand and was incorporated into all elements of the project: from the selection of pieces, photography and video style, even down to the recruitment and selection of the models used in the show and campaign collateral.
In order to engage original influencers to act as models, a unique casting call was put out, but for models that weren’t already signed, established or trained as such. The casting call was held at www.area3.co.za in a single day and all potentials were shot in the pieces that they would eventually wear at the fashion show and showcase in campaign collateral – it was an original experience.
Watch a video featuring the original models and selected pieces from the collection below:
All Originals | Spring Summer ’13 | AREA3 | 20 August 2013 from AREA3 on Vimeo.
The subsequent exhibition has been designed to allow people a chance to witness the project in a longer-lasting format, featuring life-size prints of the models and campaign with Q&A’s of each model involved, video projections from the show and the afro-electric sounds of Markus Wormstorm (who musically steered the evening) as well as, of course, featured adidas Originals pieces from the show.
Some of the signature items as well as imagery and video footage from the show will be exhibited in AREA3 from Tuesday, 20 August until Sunday, 22 September and will be open to the public.
Exhibition details
Open from Tuesday, 20 August 2013 to Sunday, 22 September 2013
AREA3, 20 Kruger Street, the Maboneng Precinct, Johannesburg East
AREA3 is open from 10h00 to 16h00
Tuesday to Sunday
Follow @adidasZA #AREA3 #adidasOriginals
photography: Nelis Botha
Makhosonke says:
Aug 20, 2013
Oh what a great night we had on and off the ramp and thank you guys for capturing as well as sharing some of many beautiful moments of the night.
Tito says:
Aug 21, 2013
just saw pictures and Video…amazing keep pushing #truly inspired!!!!