45 Years Later, John Lennon’s Words on ‘War & Peace’ Highly Relevant to Today’s Crisis of Violence & Corruption
by one small seed on Jul 23, 2014 • 12:41 pm 1 CommentIn 1969, a 14-year-old Beatle fanatic named Jerry Levitan, armed with a reel-to-reel tape deck, snuck into John Lennon’s hotel room in Toronto and convinced Lenon to do an interview about peace. 45 years later, Levitan produced a film about it. And now – in this time of period of shocking violence, corruption, poverty and ongoing war – Lennon’s words about peace and war ring as just as true as they did back in the ’60s.
Using the original interview recording as the soundtrack, director Josh Raskin has woven a visual narrative which tenderly romances Lennon’s every word in a cascading flood of multipronged animation. Raskin marries the terrifyingly genius pen work of James Braithwaite with masterful digital illustration by Alex Kurina, resulting in a spell-binding vessel for Lennon’s boundless wit, and timeless message.
1 comment
Mel says:
Jul 23, 2014
SO TRUE !!!! Thanks for posting this again, I have watched it before, but it is so important to be reminded about how the past revolutionaries are still relevant in what they said in today’s world. Let’s just hope people listen.