#5GumExperience is bringing explosive, award-winning British indie rockers The Kooks to South African shores! The band will hit Jozi on 19 April and Cape Town on 20 April to play their first ever South African gig. As with any #5GumExperience, tickets cannot be purchased and are only accessible via the 5 Gum Facebook page. Unfortunately, entries are now closed, but if you missed the opportunity to score tickets to one of the UK’s finest sensations, here’s your chance. We’re giving away two double tickets for each city so you can catch the performance!
Luke Pritchard, Hugh Harris, and Peter Denton are The Kooks. The trio met during their studies at the Brighton Institute of Modern Music in East Sussex in 2002, and formally came together as The Kooks in 2004. Taking their name from the famous David Bowie track, Pritchard and former band-mate Paul Garred were the creative energies behind the band’s formation, persuading Harris and Denton to join under the guise of a school project. With a shared fondness for the music of David Bowie, The Police, Bob Dylan and The Rolling Stones, the band quickly began to work on their first demo in an effort to get noticed and play local gigs.
The band was welcomed on stages in Sussex, and their demo attracted offers from an array of music managers and record labels. They only had to wait four months after their emergence as a group before they were signed to Virgin Records – one of music’s premier hotspot record companies. Since then they have released three albums: Inside In/ Inside Out (2006), Konk (2008), and Junk Of The Heart (2011). Inside In/ Inside Out was a global success that spawned mega-hits like ‘Naive’ and ‘She Moves in Her Own Way’ to cement The Kooks’ arrival as one of the forerunners of English indie rock. Their debut record also brought The Kooks numerous accolades winning them the award for Best UK & Ireland Act at the MTV Europe Music Awards in 2006, and a nomination at The Brit Awards for the single ‘She Moves in Her Own Way’. Their second record Konk shot to number one in UK charts, while Junk Of The Heart sold in excess of 3 million records worldwide.
5 Gum aims to stimulate the senses, and last year they achieved that goal with Two Door Cinema Club being one of the highlight performances of 2012. This year the #5GumExperience presents yet another unmissable taste of sonic supremacy. Enter the competition to book your place at one of the biggest experiences of the year and welcome The Kooks to South Africa!
We have 2 X double tickets for the CT performance and 2 X double tickets for the JHB performance to give away. Here’s what you need to do to win:
1. The million dollar question: Let us know who you would invite to the #5GumExperience The Kooks concert and why? Leave a comment at the bottom of the page with your answer!
2. Tweet a link to this post, a mention of @onesmallseedSA, 5 Gum SA, The Kooks, and the #5GumExperience hashtag. Also remember to include a hashtag with the city you live in – #JHB/#CPT! (This is very important!)
3. Like both one small seed Magazine & TV and 5 Gum SA.
The four winners (two from each city) will be announced tomorrow, Thursday 18 April, at 5pm. Each winner will be allowed a plus one to invite to the show. Check our Facebook and Twitter, and this post tomorrow to find out if you’re one of the lucky four. So get sharing, Tweeting and commenting guys and girls!
Important information:
Tickets are not available for sale. If you entered with 5 Gum SA via Facebook check your email inbox and spam folders.
Performance dates are as follows:
Johannesburg: 19 April at a secret location
Cape Town: 20 April at a secret location
Stay posted and good luck!
Images: 5 Gum SA, vulturemagazine.com.au, mxdwn.com, controlaltdelight.com, sentimentalistmag.com
Dillon Kin says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my wife Michelle…. um cos she’s my wife and if I don’t take her she would kill me, but really we’re both massive fans of the Kooks and were so disappointed when we did not get tickets.
Christina says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take wikus muller, so that we could be naive and fall inlove all over again at the seaside with the kooks and our friends at the 5Gum Experience in Cape Town.
Alicia-Ann says:
Apr 17, 2013
I’d invite my mom as she’s been fueling my addiction to The Kooks by giving me cash to buy NME magazines featuring them and to import their cd’s when they first came out. Also she can’t stop herself singing along to “She Moves in Her Own Way” in the car. Would be great for her to hear that song live.
Sarah says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would like to take my absolute best friend Alex Price with me to The Kooks (in CT!).
We are huge fans of The Kooks and are music lovers in general and are dying to go to this concert together.
We are pretty eccentric and crazy too so are bound to have an incredible night.
We will be happy to document our night for you in a quirky way if we go!
Alex Price says:
Apr 17, 2013
We are creative creatures and will pretty much do anything to go… aaaaaaaaaanything. sigh.
Basically, we’re the bestest of friends, who have never missed a single international indie rock gig in Cape Town TOGETHER, side by side!! Please let us see The Kooks! We are HUUUUUGE fans, can you tell?!
Chris says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take a complete stranger, great way to meet new people, make new friends and have spontaneous fun!!
Simone le Roux says:
Apr 17, 2013
If I win I’d take my foxy soulmate (@popnoster) cause she’s home from Dubai for the weekend. We love the Kooks and we love each other and we love getting white girl wasted. And this will be the perfect opportunity to make her want to move back to SA for good.
Julie Farrell says:
Apr 17, 2013
If I won a ticket to the Kooks concert I’d invite one of my best friends who turns 21 on Monday, what better event to attend to start the big 2 1 celebration. Definitely a treat for two great friends!
Loren says:
Apr 17, 2013
If I had to win this, I would probably take one of my best friends. She’s the biggest Kooks fan out there, she literally knows everything about them. We’ve been friends for a long time and I want to surprise her with tickets to go see them. Please help me out!
Teagan Nortje says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take the most awesome person in my life, Mathew. He has never ever attended a live music performance and we are guaranteed to make the best memories together at the Kooks, and I aim to get him bitten by the Kooks and live music bug! It would also be the greatest celebration for him getting his first official job which he starts on Monday:)
Nicci says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would invite myself because it would double my chances of going and I’m THAT desperate!
Alexandra says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my best friend Zoe Baker because every day in art class when we were in high school we used to share earphones and jam to The Kooks! I NEEED to go to this concert!!
Andrew says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my mate Josh. He’s the most die-hard Kooks fan out there but he got completely depressed when he didn’t win tickets. So he’s just been clogging up my Facebook newsfeed begging, pleading and just being an all-around desperate oke. Gotta help a brother out!
Adam Baker says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would invite my girlfriend, Clio to the kooks, because I’ve loved the kooks since the first album I heard from them which was inside in/ inside out. It would be an amazing experience to attend the kooks concert with my amazing girlfriend. Naive is the best song I’ve ever heard, and speaks so much about my life. I can connect so much with the kooks music, and to see them live would be a dream come true.
Alicia Nicola says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would love love love tickets! I would take my incredible boyfriend because we fell in love at the seaside
when I moved to Cape Town last year!
Nicole Klaver says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my brother. Because I have never met anyone who loves their music as much as I do. From when we wake up, he listens to the kooks. I wanna surprise him with a ticket.
Dirk says:
Apr 17, 2013
Firstly, my captcha word was Obfervations Naive.
I would take my friend, Andre, because he sang seaside at our High School talent show and after stepping on his own guitar cable and having it rip out, he tried to say something between fuck and cable and shouted fuckable infront of the entire school.
Best day of my life.
Also, this was his last status update:
I swimming is really exercise then why don’t fish have mega muscles? Yeah I thought so. Drain the pool so we can skateboard in it.
Danyal says:
Apr 17, 2013
I Would invite somebody who has never listened to The Kooks before so that they can see what an awesome and unbelievably talented band they are and hopefully turn them into a fan :D.
Shane says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take a lady that I have a crush on, hoping that it could lead to something more; possible even marriage with children. xoxo
Yasmin Markides says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my best friend @TeganDurham, because we are both obssessed with the kooks and have been trying extremely hard to win tickets since we found out about it
Megan P says:
Apr 17, 2013
If I were to win, I’d take my partner in crime/ boyfriend because I know we’d have shit loads of fun getting drunk and singing along loudly to the music together! Please allow me to be a part of this awesome night!
Adam Baker says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would invite my girlfriend, Clio to the kooks, because I’ve loved the kooks since the first album I heard from them which was inside in/ inside out. It would be an amazing experience to attend the kooks concert with my amazing girlfriend. Naive is the best song I’ve ever heard, and speaks so much about my life. I can connect so much with the kooks music, and to see them live would be a dream come true.
Sorry for the repost, I forgot the website. The whole twitter thing was a bit confusing.
nicole says:
Apr 17, 2013
i’d take my friend Kim who lives in JHB and since im in CPT i would fly either way just so we can sing to our favorite songs at the top of lungs/voice (who cares) and we could fully geek the fudge out! plus Kim would totally flash paul Garred (drummer) because fandom! #JHB
Tauriq Dolley says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my best friend Shadlee who also just happens to be a HUGE Kooks fan. After losing all hope this is literally the last shot I have at getting to see them.
The venue, the people, the MUSIC. It’s all such an amazing opportunity for a great time and I’d love to share that with everyone.
Jenna Rodd says:
Apr 17, 2013
I’ve loved th kooks since I was 15! And it’s my 21st birthday on Monday and it would be a dream come true to see the kooks in CT! I’d take a friend who loves the kooks like I do! Simple and sweet
Please please please!
Michka lawrence says:
Apr 17, 2013
ooh La I would invite THEEE COOOlEST guy in the world, no seriously THEEE COOLEST guy. Do you wanna know why? because we fell inlove at the seaside and when he sings The Kooks songs my cheeks go all Rosie. If only you knew how much we want to go… but hey We really are just young folks looking for tickets to our favorite band so we don’t have to be sitting on a sofa singinhg the songs:D

And lastly because then when you ask him Do you love her? he will say YESSSS:D
Ps,we will sing a long to every song and dance like happies, not stand and act all cuddly whole night, Because at The Kooks concert is Always where we need to be
Hahaha, seriously though,
Fazel Clarke says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my bestie Marisse. We do just about everything together, so much so that i gave her a kidney. When she needed one, who would’ve thought. So yeah, oh… Did i mention that we both love The Kooks?? REAL GREAT BRIT BAND!!
FontiniMel says:
Apr 17, 2013
I will invite The Jaakness, @thejaakness, to #5GumExperience The Kooks concert. The Jaakness is infectious, he is an animal, he loves beer, dances wildly to The Kooks, he is the “snorkoning” and the Clyde by my side! x
Fazel Clarke says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my bestie Marisse. We do just about everything together, so much so that i gave her a kidney. When she needed one, who would’ve thought. So yeah, oh… Did i mention that we both love The Kooks?? REAL GREAT BRIT BAND!! #JHB
Ana Nicole says:
Apr 17, 2013
I’d take my boy guy, we’ve been together and in love by the seaside, since we become huge fans of the kooks all those years ago. So happy we’ve got this chance to get tickets now. #CTP
Alistair says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take Alex Price; there isn’t enough space in this comment block to describe her. Luke Pritchard, Paul Garred, Chris Prendergast, Hugh Harris, Peter Denton, Dan Logan, Max Rafferty(sadly left), Nicholas Millard can only be described in two incredible and inspiring words – The Kooks
Matt Budden says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my incredible girlfriend. It would be a great surprise to give her tickets as she has been constantly asking me if we have won. All our friends were lucky enough to receive tickets and we are both big music lovers. This would be a perfect way to end the week. Please help us out one small seed! Huge fans
yoliswa says:
Apr 17, 2013
As cliched as it sounds I would take one of my best friend to the Kooks because we have been through some really hectic shit and The Kooks songs have always been so relevant to our lives and experiences in this world. They just make music that makes your spirit come alive dance in your room like no one’s watching kinda stuff.The Best vibes.
Kyle Etsebeth says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my BEAUTIFUL girlfriend to this for 2 reasons:
1. It would be her first live gig ever so she’ll be suuuper privelaged to see THE KOOKS!!
2. Our first date was on the SEASIDE and it would be incredible to able to experience the legendary song SEASIDE live together
Please help!! Literally got like 15 people to enter for me and NOT ONE person won!
Such a fan of these guys so please help make this happen for me and my girlfriend!!
Jodi says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my best friend because ‘she moves in her own way’ got us through our gap year!
Casey Hadjidakis says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my very good friend Sam Ahhee because we promised each other that we would see them again properly. We went to London in 2009, we found out that The Kooks and The Killers where playing one night in Hyde Park and tried to get tickets but they were sold out! We decided to go anyway and ended up climbing a tree along with other unfortunate fans and watched the whole show for nothing. The Kooks blew us away and we swore we would find a way to see them again up close!
Saturday is not only the night of The Kooks concert but also Sam’s 22nd Birthday! No jokes! This would seriously be the best way to celebrate her birthday! And to see and hear The Kooks play their new music!
Tyler Sanderson says:
Apr 17, 2013
My brother gets back tomorrow from a year of teaching English in Krang, Thailand. I would definitely take him to see the show with me, probably an even bigger Kooks fan than I am! Please guys! Help a brother out!
Bianca says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take the biggest part animal I know, Coz I know if you jamming to The Kooks, I know we gotta do it proper!!!! PLLEAAASSE! III LOVVEE THE KOOKS!!
Ntokozo Mzimela says:
Apr 17, 2013
If I could take anyone, living or nonexistent, it would be a fictional cross between David Bowie, Jimmy Hendricks and Joan Jett
Imagine that out fit! But on a more serious note, in all likelihood I would take my sister friend Jaimie de Klerk because it’s not a party without her! She loves them ad much as I do and we never do anything without each other
genuine friendship. It’s still unbelievable that they are coming
all those years of air guitaring to Naive and Sofa song might lead to actually seeing them live!!
Rudolph says:
Apr 17, 2013
I’d invite Oscar Pistorius, because in all fairness the guy could do with a break.
susanne says:
Apr 17, 2013
I’d take my friend Henrike just because I did not believe her when she told me the Kooks would come to Cape Town!! Plus she shares my love for all the great British musicians!!
Elise Cameron says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my boyfriend Luke. We officially started dating at the last 5 Gum Experience. I was dressed up as a cat, as it was a few days before halloween, and by the end of the night he had black makeup smeared all over his face from my cat nose and whiskers. The photos are priceless! We want to share another 5 Gum Experience (especially this one because we LOVE the Kooks!!) before I’m forced to leave Cape Town to finish college in the states!! :'(
huey tilley says:
Apr 17, 2013
family. @afashionfriend @dunenecktattoo @kayofay
Bianca says:
Apr 17, 2013
The Kooks, and the the 5GumExperience #JHB Id take the biggest party animal I know, and we will not stop jamming till the ringing is out of our ears! Swear it.. #LoveTheKooks So so much!
Josua De Villiers says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would love to take my girlfriend because: The Kooks was THE band that brought us together before we started dating (over 4 years now). We were at a party, when Naive came on… We started singing it, knew all the words, and that got us talking, and we ended up falling in love! They changed both of our lives, and we would LOVE to go. Missing out on tickets earlier this week left us gutted. But we hope to be singing to Seaside together on Saturday!!! #CPT
Jules Stols says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would DEFINITELY take Luke Pritchard with me! Because why the hell would I want to win tickets to the kooks if I was going to be accompanied by one?! Not that I don’t want tickets… Or that I’m in love with Luke Pritchrd but I think we would all like to take him… If you know what I mean
I guess I’m just trying to sy that I really want kooks tickets and this is my last chance! Help a girl out xoxo gossip girl 
anna marjoribanks says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would love to surprise my boyfriend keagan with tickets! He is such a massive fan and its our 7 years on sat
it would be the highlight of our year/life/forever 
huey tilley says:
Apr 17, 2013
family. @afashionfriend @dunenecktattoo @kayofay
Jon says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take a mate who is the biggest Kooks fan and did not get a ticket in the lottery. And it literally is my birthday and it would be rad to go. That is all.
lingling says:
Apr 17, 2013
ah id invite my soulmate Reyana, we hardly see each other, and its always massive logistics to plan to meet up, im sure this will be the perfect way to unite tow friends for some good music and cheer.
Michael Glass says:
Apr 17, 2013
What’s up 5 Gum!!! Iv been waiting for this day for so long!! Me and my best mate Justin Ho have been friends for the past 10 years and I can remember the first time I ever played him the Kooks. I played him Naive form there 2006 album inside in/inside out. Iv been waiting for the day the come to South Africa and its finials come. I think it would be a crime for Justin and myself not to go so I’m pleading with all my heart to go!! If you get me that ticket I promise you will see me in the front of that stage sing my heart away!! Pleaseee!!!
this is more about friendship than anything else!!! 
Kirstin says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take Mitchie, my friend, because she is just as Kooked as I am
we love the Kooks 
leandi says:
Apr 17, 2013
I wana take my bitchin friend….AND SLIDE ON THE KOOKS SOFA !!!!!!
Chloe says:
Apr 17, 2013
i would take my best friend(more like sister) Domonique Thaysen so i could give her the best farewell party/present ever -before she leaves us to move to her new home in America on the 29th, we are both absolutely obsessed with the Kooks, if we win the concert will always be something that we treasure in our hearts and remind us of the good times ‘by the seaside’ and a friendship that will never be forgotten <3 Cape Town baby!!
Heide Goodman says:
Apr 17, 2013
My bestie Marjaan – such a great daughter and friend
Sharon says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my brother, Richard. We recently moved in together and instead of driving each other crazy, he has become my best friend. He is seriously the most awesome. We often dance around our flat singing and dancing to The Kooks. we were both crazy bummed when we realised we’d missed out on tickets, pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaase pick us! He has an amazing twirly mousache and I dance like a daemon!
Chloe says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my boyfriend Dean because well we live by the SEASIDE. So don’t be NAIVE please be MR NICE GUY, IF ONLY I had tickets to the kooks because if I didn’t I would RUN AWAY with my TEA AND BISCUITS to go SEE THe WORLD . So you ASK ME who I would take? I want to take my boyfriend so we can WALK AWAY to the kooks concert because that’s ALWAYS WHERE I NEED TO be. It’s KILLING ME that I don’t have tickets, do you GOT NO LOVE? I’m a SLAVE TO THE GAME that is the kooks music! IT CAN BE SO HARD to win tickets so please DO YOU WANNA help me out?
Erik says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my Cousin Dani. She introduced me to the Kooks when we lived in Brighton. Have followed them ever since and she would truly appreciate the magnitude.
Louise says:
Apr 17, 2013
If singing along to the Kooks in our car is any prediction of how the concert will be, I would have to take my roomie Katey Joy. We;d go nuts.
Hannah says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my lovely boyfriend because Seaside is a song that means a whole lot to the both of us (as corny as it sounds, we fell in love to it), and being able to hear it live would be the greatest gift from anyone ever
pretty please with sugar on top<3 love from Cape Town xx
Dylan says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would basically take anyone and everyone to The Kooks if I could! Amazing band, I can’t miss this… But seriously I would take whoever is available at the last minute when I win the tickets
RudiDC says:
Apr 17, 2013
Bill Gates, then he could buy everyone drinks!
Million dollar question = million dollar dude!
Chloe Kellermann says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my boyfriend Dean. We live by the SEASIDE and I WANT YOU to fill the GAP in heart that is missing a Kooks ticket. IT CAN BE SO HARD to get tickets so I’m asking you to please be MR NICE GUY because it is KIlLING ME not having tickets. Don’t be NAIVE! Let me be ALWAYS WHERE I NEED TO BE, which is at then Kooks, IF ONLY you could make that happen. Come on, DON’T YOU LOVE ME? Do you GOT NO LOVE? DO YOU WANNA help me out so my boyfriend and I can RUNAWAY together to go an experience the beauty that is the Kooks because if you ASK ME I’m A SLAVE to the Kooks music and so is my boyfriend!
Ursula says:
Apr 17, 2013
I’ll take my hotness monster aka boyfriend Vaughn. Reason? We’ll party like rock stars together!
Lefentse Mohlaka says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my banf mate/good friend Patson because we adore The Kooks and aspire to make good music like them. It’d be incredible to see how they work live and perhaps even get some tips from them. We are aiming to create good tunes for everyone, allround to enjoy. This would make our year.
Ryan says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take whoever the guy is that is doing the draw for the tickets……………
William Rudd says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my mate Erik Salamon because he knows everything there is to know about the KOOKS. As do I, we are both what you would call “kooks freaks”. Erik just ordered a “Luke Pritchard hand signed” photo from the UK. It cost him roughly US$120.00 with delivery. Sad thing is neither of us have tickets. We will be the life of the party. Just saying
Dash Hookins says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would the guy who was crying behind me in the queue at the drug store while we were getting anti depressants because we never got The Kooks tickets in time.
Jessica says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my best friend Kate to see the Kooks! She leaves the following Monday for Europe and will b gone for a long long time! If I could surprise her on one of her last days and take her to see THE KOOKS I think it would b the best memory and most unbelievable surprise!! @thekooks #5GumEperience @onesmallseedSA #CPT
Murphy Mcloughlin says:
Apr 17, 2013
There’s only one person in this world I’d take to see the best band in the world and thats my boyfriend Travis Cottrell. This would be the best experience ever for both of us, great memories have been made while listening to the Kooks and we can sing ALL the lyrics to every song, thats how much we dig them. PLease One Small Seed, this would be AMAZING!
Lindy says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my house mate Stacey coz she loves the Kooks and I love her
Georgia East says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my boyfriend. Not because I love him so much, we’ve been together for ages, he completes me blah blah and so on. Because he is my boyfriend,he already knows that. No, I want to take my boyfriend to see The Kooks live as it would be my last great attempt to get him out of his current hideous hip-hop obsession and show him what REAL music sounds like. One Small Seed, I need those tickets for educational purposes…mental too. If I have to listen to songs about strippers one for time I shall expire. PLEASE, send us to The Kooks and help me get him ANGLOFIED!!
Nic Eve says:
Apr 17, 2013
Myself and my mate Jake are film students and we are doing a documentary showing the positivity of Cape Town and its continuous string of life changing events. It would be amazing to experience a #5GumExperience as we have heard #5Gum “does it properly”!!!! EXCITED and crossing fingers
Ian Morgan says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take Dominique Le Roux because “She Moves in Her Own Way”, and she wants to see The Kooks more than she wants to “See the World”. I “Got No Love” for “Jackie Big Tits”, only her. “If Only” I could win these tickets! She would be like ”Ooh La”! And if I didn’t win, she would be like, “You Don’t Love Me”. Maybe I’m just being “Naïve”, so please help me watch The Kooks relatively close to the “Seaside”!
Cindy Schafer says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my husband who is also my best friend. The Kooks hold a special place in both of our hearts and remind us of a time when we were dating and had to do a long distance relationship which was tough but songs like “I already miss you” helping us get through. It shows us how far we have come over 5 years later and would be great to watch them again together.
Craig says:
Apr 17, 2013
If I can take anyone to the concert I will take Madiba, the reason why is cause hes getting old and sick now, he needs 1 last chance to rock his socks off, jamming with him would be a unforgettable experience and possibly with him being sick, it will definately cheer him up getting the chance to see this band, god knows how many concerts he missed whilst on that godforsaken island… #Cape Town
Lisa says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take Kyle because he loves this band as much as me and deserves it more than anyone i know
Shannon Norman says:
Apr 17, 2013
I have “something to say”
I really want to see The Kooks live in Cape Town.
I will take my best friend, Stephanie, to The Kooks concert because we are such big fans and we have tried our best to win tickets and have had no luck! We are so depressed and loosers on Gumtree are selling the tickets they have won for R1000 and this breaks our hearts even further.
We want to go to the “seaside” and “all over the town” on the 20th of April because “in my opinion” we will appreciate it more than anyone else!
“Do you wanna” give us the chance to “see the sun” and by this we mean- The kooks because in our eyes, they are the sun.
“If only” we could get lucky! “I’m always willing” to make my friends happy and by winning these tickets, Stephanie will love me forever
Pretty please, One Small Seed, I don’t want my heart to bleed. If it does, well, I will die and cry while I die! If I could, I would write a book about my love for The Kooks!!
If I am one of the four winners, I will eat a straw and stop producing bad rhymes coz my rhymes really suck- but anything for tickets to see THE KOOKS LIVE IN CAPE TOWN!!!!! I chew 5Gum Er’Day!!!!

Pierre says:
Apr 17, 2013
There’s this girl. I’ve been in love with her since the day I met her. I honestly can’t go a day without thinking about her. She and I are both huge Kooks fans, and this would be the most amazing opportunity to finally tell her how I feel. I can’t begin to explain how many times I’ve pictured the two of us at the concert, me telling all of this to her. I can’t imagine being with anyone else, so if I were to receive these tickets, my life would be complete! I’d be seeing an astronomical band, and getting the girl of my dreams. I’m so grateful that you’re presenting us with this amazing opportunity and I appreciate the consideration. It’s all in your hand now?
Margie says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my friend Lara, because she was with me the night i discovered the Kook. That is definitely a night I will NEVER forget. Thank you the Kooks <3
Stone says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take Riaan Cruywagen.
He may be retired, but this huge event needs serious coverage,
Plus he deserves it.
Robert Bruwer says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my super sexy girlfriend Robyn. Loved the Kooks since inside in, inside out. This is one band I would even pay ANYTHING to see! My best mates are all going please hook me up 5gum!
maisha says:
Apr 17, 2013
Lauren Y says:
Apr 17, 2013
(also, people that have won tickets are selling them for ridiculous prices – so selfish.)
Robert says:
Apr 17, 2013
I’ve already commented but I honestly just can’t handle all this excitement! I will do anything, Please onesmallseed. Please make my best dreams real.
Farzaana says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my boyfriend because The Kooks is “our band”! Despite all our differences, good taste in music is one thing we have in common! Also we fighting right now and I think this would really make it up to him! =)
Jade Hill says:
Apr 17, 2013
To #5gumSA with the most tasty flavors and #OneSmallSeedSA with their awesomest magazine in the world! If I win the tickets to the #5GumExperience I will take my friend Tristan because not only does he share my fantastical love for #TheKooks but he has also been my inspiration in every way possible through a difficult time so I would like to show him my appreciation by giving him something that is priceless! Because It’s a hip hop hip hip hoppy to the hipity hoppy! XD #CPT
Robert says:
Apr 17, 2013
Do you wanna, do you wanna, do you wanna make me ha-ppy. See what I did there
nothing will be better than seeing this show. Please onesmallseed, help me too stop biting my nails and pulling my hair in anticipation. Ja, and I would take my girl because she moves in her own way. #CPT
Jamey says:
Apr 17, 2013
i would take my best friend, him and i are inseparable and in the end of the day he is all i need. Our relationship started on the basis of being Kooks fans & to miss this opportunity would just be plain tragic. Please don’t let us miss out on an experience of a lifetime!
Carlisle Barker says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my darling twin sister with me to see the kooks. She means the world to me & the only thing that would make seeing the kooks live that much cooler is to rock it out with her. She introduced me to The Kooks quite a few years ago so I reckon she deserves a medal for that. Or tickets
We are best friends & we would always chill to ‘seaside’ when things got tough. Actually when times were good too 
Shukri says:
Apr 17, 2013
Hello there
If I won these tickets, I would take my best friend Sam. We grew up together and listened to the Kooks since their first studio album (we were 14 at the time!!!!) and we listened to them ever since. We were so sad when we didn’t win tickets. In addition, my favourite South African band, Shortstraw, will be playing and the combination of these 2 bands is so amazing that missing it would be the worst
on top of this, its Sam’s birthday the day after the show!!!! Please make our dream come true! This would be the climax moment after listening to the Kooks for 6 or so years
And seeing Shortstraw would add the shake to my bake 
Tanita says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my sister Cara to The Kooks because she introduced me to them and she is as HUGE a fan as I am! We know how to partyyyy, but haven’t been able to do so together in the longest time. This would make our year. For the love of good music and party animals PLEEEEASE =D
michelle says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take past me to the event!! So that she could go, realise the awesomeness of going to see The Kooks LIVE with Beach Party, and then future me would remember and make this awesome post to win tickets.
Nabeel Allie says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would, without shadow of a doubt, take my mentor, Andrew Cowley. He has given me so much through the years, driving lessons, help during my exams, helped me find my girlfriend (of 3 years as of next week) he even got me through some tough family times. He has always been there for me and I have never been able to give or do anything for him that would repay the favours he’s done for me. I know how big a fan of The Kooks he is, so this would go some way into repaying my debt to him. He is a great man who honestly deserves nothing less!
Lameez / @mizzylb says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my brother, because he’s been a fan for YEARS too! In fact he is the person I think deserves most to come with me because he has loved them as long as I have. I remember our first Kooks conversation starting with him asking me “Hey do you heard of The Kooks? I dig their song Seaside…” And of course we went onto the rest of the songs we loved, at the time Inside In/Inside Out was out. I am a huge fan, own their albums, would have bought tickets if that was an option! For him and I this would be an awesome prize!
So, the answer to the million dollar question: I would take my brother with me to the #CT show. Fellow fan therefore deserving of being in The Kooks presence
Adam Rauff says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would invite my brother to the kooks , if I win because first of all he is my brother and it is his birthday this week and I would like to get him tickets for him and I as a birthday present !!! And because we are both huge huge huge kooks fans like huge fans and it would really be awesome if I won them ❤ jhb
Aalia Mahomed says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my best friend/boyfriend to see The Kooks, because Naive was the first song I listened to on his phone, before I became his girlfriend, 4 years ago, tomorrow. It was also the first indie-rock band we bonded and connected over. Our love for music, namely indie and the The Kooks was the basis of our relationship. We are huge huge fans. It would be the absolute best and most amazing competition to win, and anniversary gift. Please grant us the #5GumExperience to see The Kooks concert live in Cape Town!
Michelle says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my best friend because she is the biggest fan of the kooks and she recently became very depressed because of abuse in their household and winning these tickets would literally mean the world to her!
Lindo Mashinini says:
Apr 17, 2013
i would build a time machine and invite my past self, and be all like ‘I have come to convert you my sweetcake’,and invite myself to half the show, then i’d swap my past self for my future self half way through and be like ‘I’ve come to restore happy memories my sweetcake’ so essentially, i would take me , for mental maturity and remembrance
Harry Scherzer says:
Apr 17, 2013
I’ll definitely be giving my spare ticket to my best friend, Max Reich! He’s the only person that I know who loves the Kooks as much as I do!
Nadia says:
Apr 17, 2013
I would take my KOOKIEST, loveliest friend around, Jess
she introduced me to the Kooks and would love to jam with her to this awesome band at the #5GUMEXPERIENCE #CPT !
Jess says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take my best friend and look-a-like Nadia. I met her in grade 8 at boarding school, and we have been inseperable ever since (now 4th year University students) Our love for indie music started in Grade 9 when one of our matrics played us “Seaside” during a school play rehersal, it was epic and we havent stopped listening to the Kooks since… It would be the biggest treat to see the Kooks live, with the biggest treat of a friend… please, put us out of our no-kooks-ticket misery (we both had a small cry after we didnt win tickets with 5gum)
Nival Maharaj says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take Stephen Glyn because he already has his #kookface on;P (Picture Tweeted @onesmallseedSA !
Roxanne says:
Apr 18, 2013
So…I’m one of three sisters and we absolutely DIGG The Kooks!!! (And we always check out gigs together) I won a set and I CAN’T pick between the the two! So I’m in a totally sucky situation as neither of them won tickets…so yeah, help a sister(s)out !!!
Bianca Nicholson says:
Apr 18, 2013
If I won these double tickets I would take my friend Jaco. I’ve known him for 12 years now and literally owe my superior taste in music to him. Before that I did not have a clue. The two of us have never been to a live music show together. He has this annoying habit of singing in my face – we even accidently mouth-bumped into each other once. Hehe. He’s the best.
Robyn says:
Apr 18, 2013
I have to take my brother, Troy. It’s out of the question. Honestly, I managed to somehow salvage 1 ticket but I really cannot go without him. What fun is it without your own concert partner? He frikkin LOVES the Kooks and didn’t win tickets (neither of us did). So it would be REALLY awesome if you could get those tickets to him because quite frankly I don’t want to go alone!
Emma :) says:
Apr 18, 2013
I’d take John Lennon -if I could. I think he’d appreciate some new age beats and the smooth sounds of The Kooks. Realistically, I’d take my best friend Kelly Hart-Davies. She’s been such a trooper over the last two years and a true friend.
Lameez / @mizzylb says:
Apr 18, 2013
Erm… Where is my post?? I hope I am still in the running to win??? I tweeted after I wrote #comment-18270 D:
Melissa F says:
Apr 18, 2013
I got twitter to be able to win these tickets! I actually hated twitter, but it was worth getting it to dance dance dance all night to The Kooks! I would take my boy, The Jaakness, He is the wildest animal I know and I want to experience and move my own way with him the whole night long. I am not naive, but I know that onesmallseed and 5gum wants to surprise me with this prize. I am shaking with excitement and I will probably make a lot of enemies and lose a few friends due to my spamming on facebook and twitter! Haahahaha
Tessa says:
Apr 18, 2013
I have spent my whole life believing in Fairytales, prince charming and true love. It’s very difficult to stay true to your wishes and dreams in this day and Age. I had given up all hope, until 3 weeks ago, by a serendipitous turn of events i met my Prince.
It’s my 30th Birthday on the 22nd of April. I feel like i have been given the best Birthday present i could ever had wished for. He would most definitely be the only person i would love to surprise with this ticket.
William Elhers, thank you for stepping into my life.
“Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but rather the moments that take your breath away”.
Nicholas Coghlan says:
Apr 18, 2013
First of all I love The Kooks, because they move in their own way !!!(see what I did there). And I would take my Buddy Mark, because when we get together for any kind of party we rock it!! And both of of us have never been to a live rock performance so it will be an awesome experience, a #5GumExperience… Your Move… :):)
Mayuri Pillay says:
Apr 18, 2013
I DESPERATELY want to see The Kooks live & was beyond depressed when I didn’t get my 5Gum tickets
I’d take my friend Eshkilan who first introduced me to The Kooks & their laidback tunes! He absolutely LOVES them & insisted that I take a listen to ‘Seaside’ a while back – I was HOOKED!! My favourite song has to be Seaside – their music has inspired so many indie rock bands – seeing them in action would make my world. I’m willing ti sell my soul/pride/anything that someone will buy for a ticket to see them perform!! Hoping that One Small Seed & 5Gum can take me “Always where I need to be”. PLEASE!!
Mario Pinto says:
Apr 18, 2013
My friend is a huge Kooks fan and she is leaving on the 25th of April to go work overseas ;/ I would love to have one last party with her watching one of her favourite bands, before she leaves us.
Malissa Anthony says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would so anything for tickets to see the Kooks, and would love to take my best friend Candice Botha, for no other reason but because she is such an incredible person and sharing a moment like this would just be magical and well cherished. No moment will go
Kim says:
Apr 18, 2013
If I won tickets to the #TheKooks with @onesmallseedSA and @5GumSA and #5GumExperience, I would take my friend Emma. She has become my friend in the past 6 months and I have come to learn what a truly amazing person she is. She has gone through a lot in her life, losing both her parents at a young age, and when her brother is working overseas, she doesn’t have any other family support (something a lot of us have never experienced before) and yet she continues to push through the tough times in her life and always wears a smile. I have never met anyone who is so brave when she has so many challenges that face her everyday and despite this, she continues to have the most contagious laugh ever, you can’t help but smile when you are around her. She is an inspiration to me because of her zest for life and I am so grateful to be her friend. And because of the way she lives her life, she reminds me everyday to be grateful for what I have in mine, and I am truly thankful for that. She doesn’t often get opportunities to go to concerts, so I would like to treat her with a ticket to The Kooks concert, I know it would make her day:)
Kim says:
Apr 18, 2013
Sorry forgot to mention, tickets to the Cape Town show please
Melissa Bradshaw says:
Apr 18, 2013
Seeing the Kooks live would possibly be one of the greatest experiences ever, seeing as they are one of my favourite bands. The person that I would take to this concert would be Cameron Biggs, because the Kooks is one of his favourite bands, and unfortunately we did not win tickets initially through 5gum. Cameron is probably the greatest fan of the Kooks that I know; he can sing all their songs off by heart, and even calls himself DJ Kooks if he gets a chance to play music for other people. I know it would make him so happy to see them live! The Kooks are the best band, and I really would love to go! It really would make me SO incredibly happy to see one of my favourite bands perform live! I know that being able to go to this concert would be one of the greatest experiences for both of us to go to, and it would mean so much to us! Please send some tickets for the Cape Town show this way! It really would make my whole year!
Hayley Hazell says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take my boyfriend, Rob, as he gets back from being in France for 6months on the 20th march and he is a huge fan of the band and it would just be thegreatest welcome back present as well as a great way for us to spend his first night back
Tarryn O'Brien says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take my digs-mate as she hasn’t left her room in weeks, as she is studying her final year in architecture! She promised to leave her room and come jol with me to go see The Kooks!
PLEASE can I have double tickets, I miss seeing my digs-mate – I have forgotten what she looks like!
Diane Swart says:
Apr 18, 2013
If I won tickets to the #TheKooks with @onesmallseedSA and @5GumSA and #5GumExperience the person I would take with me is my boyfriend, Gabriel. We are THE NUMBER 1 KOOKS fans! We know all their songs off by heart! Naive, ooh la, she moves in her own way etc we have entered all the competitions and shared every single post possible with regards to winning tickets but we haven’t won anything
and it would make our absolute LIVES if we could win these tickets because this is a once in a life time experience and we really just can’t miss it! We are from Cape Town! please make my day! #truekooksfan
Lorin says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take my boyfriend if I was ever so lucky to win tickets for the #CapeTown show. He is only down for the weekend before he flies off on Monday and I don’t see him again for another month. It would make our weekend even that more special
Carlinda says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take my dad , because after surviving brain cancer 3 times in the last 3 years, he is still young at heart
And he is in need of some great music and an awesome experience! #capetown
Inge says:
Apr 18, 2013
So before I get to my answer- here’s the backstory..
Thanks to my mom bringing me up in a household with only Meg Ryan romcoms. So naturally when I broke up with what I thought was the love of my young adolescent life in my first year at varsity… I didn’t take it very well!
AND BY “NOT TAKING IT VERY WELL” I mean – lying on bed in my door room, watching 13 Going on 30 over and over again (Before you judge it was the only movie I had on my desktop mkay?!) while doing the ugly cry! Yup, this was my daily activity. My nightly activity was being dragged out of my room by my friends where we did what any girl going through a break-up would do…TURN TO WINE. But in my case, I needed something stronger. Insert the R10 Double Brandy special from Stones Melville. (Classy, I know.) And so it went on for a while…
Till the day I discovered The Kooks and they instantly became my “Break-Up Band”. You know, the one band that gets you through the bad split! Yes, so there I was in my room singing along to “I’m not saying it was your fault but you could’ve done more…” till one day I got up and got over the break up with the help from The Kooks! Afterall, “I moved in my own way…”
INSERT HAPPY ENDING HERE: So to answer to question, I would most definitely take the current love of my life to the JHB CONCERT! To show that The Kooks are more than just my “Break-Up Band”…They’re my ultimate love! (Corny but oh so very very true…)
Anja Ferreira says:
Apr 18, 2013
I absolutely love them! They are definitely my favourite band and I think I would want to die if I could not be able to see them on Saturday. I know every song an lyric off by heart and listen to them every day. They are amazing and it would be the best night of my life if I could be able to see them live in Cape Town. I would take my best friend Lara because it is her BIRTHDAY on Sunday and it would be the best present EVER. She also loves them very much. I would be so grateful if I could win tickets and I would probably go naked if that is what it takes to see them. You don’t understand how much I want to see them live! I would do anything!
sanela says:
Apr 18, 2013
Long story short. I’d take my sexy BF (who might cast as Christian Grey – 50 Shades of Grey movie)
Any excuse to celebrate and obviously, cause we both <3 love <3 The Kooks !!! Been checking my spam box every 10min and still nothing. Here's to H*O*P*E 
Claire Shaban says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would clone myself and take myself – so I could experience it doubly awesome!!! And not miss one moment
and I would probably make clone me get me drinks so I don’t miss a wink.
Alberto says:
Apr 18, 2013
MY SISTER MAXINE! Coz she’s ooooone crazy party animal that just start the party! The Kooks + Maxine = one perfect concert!
Gareth Grey says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take Howard Ford… he has dance moves that light up any dance floor, a wicked comb-over and is a asian persuasion to boot (his name wouldn’t suggest that but hey)!!! I have tried every possible way to win tickets and praying this is what it takes to win me these tix to see my favourite band on this planet in action. Yes I am a massive KOOKS fan. Oh and I love 5gum…
Ane Jansen van Vuuren says:
Apr 18, 2013
Oh my goodness I’m so grateful for this competition, my little ray of hope to win tickets has been restored! If I won tickets to the Kooks I would probably do a little victory dance in my 17:00 gynaecology lecture , and then I would take with one of my best friends, Amy. We are both huge fans of the Kooks and she was heartbroken when she didn’t win tickets! Our friend Gideon who is part of the band December Streets (They are opening in Cpt) won tickets and he along with my friend of 9 years are going and I would LOVE to share this amazing evening with all my friends! So… will it be a victory dance at 17:00 with an amzing evening to follow or will my hopes be crushed. Dramatic perhaps but this is how serious I am about winning!
Tegan Wille says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would love to take JUSTIN BIEBER to see the KOOKS just to see how he will move to that kinda beat and afterwards I will take him for a drink and go into a deep conversation on his thoughts about how listening to the Kooks and being at the concert changed his life forever.
Now that I have your attention I would take My Man, because he is My King and he treats me like a Queen and beats out any movie star in looks and is such the gentleman and I am head over heels in love with him. Him and I are currently planning our big escape to run away and go all over the world and follow amazing bands (like the kooks) – and if you could please give us a kickstart to this masterplan in our hometown #CAPETOWN to see one of our favourite bands you will make us the happiest run aways ever.
Ellie says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take my boyfriend, we are both MASSIVE FANS! We immigrated to South Africa six years ago from england and have been ‘KOOKs’ fans for seven years when they first made it big in England! It would make both mine and my boyfriends year!! Please donate tickets to us we both entered the original competition and didn’t receive tickets
please help us out 5 gum is the most flavored e gum around!!!
Adj says:
Apr 18, 2013
I woudl take my good friend Tee. Because she hustled with me to get into the 5gum Atrack experience last year and it would be awesome for us to be there again, second year in a row. We absolutely had to hustle to get in there. But we knew it would be the jam of a life time.
ellie says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take my boyfriend! we both fight over who is the biggest KOOKS number one fan! we both immagrated 6 years ago from england and have been BIIIG fans for 7 years when they first came big in england we have never had the chance to see them live and would be an amazing opportunity! This event will be amazing and 5Gum is the most flavorsome gum around! please help us out we never won in the origional competition
Michelle says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take Dillon. Because if he missed The Kooks he would be utterly devastated. We love The Kooks! Give us the opportunity to Rock out with #5gumexperience pretty please!
Kirsten Campbell says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take my best friend Georgina Geach, because we both absolutely love the kooks, they pretty much formed the sound track to our teenage years! We are two crazy cool kids that know how to have a good time and can party for days to the kooks! I have entered every competition possible to try win these tickets because the kooks are definitley my favourite band and i will be really dissapointed if i cant see them live. We are willing to wear brightly coloured unitards if it means we can win these tickets! peace
Lise Wessels says:
Apr 18, 2013
I’ll take my best friend. We met at varsity in “koshuis”. Bonded over shared love of music, which included The Kooks (who were basically top of the list). Had numerous conversations as to what it would be like if they ever come to South Africa. Now they’re basically here, and we are sitting without tickets. Would love to go see them live. Please.
Chani Bezuidenhout says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take my good gal pal Lise Wessels. She has been obsessed with getting tickets for the show. She is obsessed with The Kooks. She entered every single competition and hasn’t won anything yet. Seaside is her ringtone and Naive is her alarmclock, please give her tickets in order for her to answer her phone or wake up and not listen to the song the entire time….
Tania Coleman says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would SOOOOOOO take Lise Wessels with me… She is not only CRAZY about The Kooks but she believes the world would be such a duller place if they were not making music…. AND NOT ONLY THAT…. Her birthday is around the corner and this would be the perfect gift… She is entering each and every competition just to win some tickets, so PRETTY PLEASE, let me be an awesome friend and give this gift to her…. Her all time FAV song is SEASIDE and she plays this song to everybody in the office….
elzette fourie says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take my mate who is also desperately trying to get tickets.
Craig Goodwin says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take my brother Kris because we both definitely ‘move in our own way’…see what I did there
Mariette du Toit says:
Apr 18, 2013
I will definitely take my bestest friend Karla Heese-she is I am us are we. She’s the one who introduced me to the Kooks way back when. She’s the one who would do anything for the tickets and also the one who knows all my secrets,including the one that I would probably go into seclusion if I don’t get to go. She’s the one who would drive to the top of a hill,play the Kooks music loud and jam out on Saterday night if we don’t win…#1 AND #2 FANS RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!!!
Natalie de Waal says:
Apr 18, 2013
I would take the louise to my thelma,Mix stix otherwise known as Michaela Botes to the The Kooks in CT because as the die hard fan that she is,she has totally changed my life by introducing me to their absolute awesomeness.She truely is the kookiest of kids and I am proud to call her my best friend.She deserves this for being the ultimate fan ( michaelabotes@TheKooksinCT )Go see for yourself.Please allow us this absolute honour.
christine hogg says:
Apr 18, 2013
Everyone deserves to win, but sadly only four people can. The lucky winners are Dirk Agenbag (CT), Shannon Norman (CT), Shukri Ahmed (Jhb) and Channi Henning (Jhb). Please DM us your details asap! Congrats!